Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Return of the MathLand blog

I started this blog as part of a project for an online class that introduced me to Web 2.0.

My return is really the proof positive that Web 2.0 is a powerful and important entity for education. Through Web 2.0 tools I've found totally changed the way I do professional development. Sure, I still attend conferences and workshops, but most nights I can be found reading the blogs on my RSS feed that have so many more ideas and insights that influence my teaching and philosophy more than anything else has.

So, I'm going to try and keep up with my blog. I'd now like it to be a place where interested parties could go and see what I am deciding to do in my classes and understand why I'm doing them. I realize there may be no interested parties, and that's ok, but then this blog will serve as my personal journal where I can work out for myself what it is I want for my students, my classroom, and education in general.

Thanks for reading.

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